Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
A couple of things to remember:
1. Don't forget to bring along a donation for the Food Bank if you are able. That will be greatly appreciated by many.

3. If you have a donation, now's the time to get it to us. We would love to acknowledge your generosity!
4. If you have anything for us to include in the goody box give-aways we will need at least 100 items. Please get them to us soon, if you would like to do any promo. We are happy to help.
5. Spread the word about walk-ins! $5 gets a lovely visitor a delightfully delicious snack, a shopping experience to make anyone's day and participation in most of the activities, silent auction, penny table, etc. $10 gets all of the above plus lunch (that will be between 12 and 1pm)
6. If anyone is able to donate baked goods, please let us know and then if you could have your goodies to us either on April 24th or the morning of the big day, that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated.
Thanks all.
See you all soon DOWN ON THE FARM! Can't wait. . .
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Drayton Foodmarket Rocks
Living in a small town is a wonderful thing. Living in Drayton is particularly wonderful when you have someone like Deb Ramage running the local foodmarket.
Well, today I was in to the store and our dear lovely, local grocer handed over a gift card worth $480. That will likely cover a good portion of the food bill for our special day. How blessed are we?
We will eat well at Zeal for Teal and there will be more to donate to the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope because of you, Deb & our anonymous friends. Bless you.
We have one big grocery store in our town and the Deb, the owner, manager and all around nice proprietor has a big heart to match.
Drayton Foodmarket runs a Smart Shopper Stamp deal for all
shoppers. With your grocery purchase you receive cards and you can place stamps on those cards and redeem them for discounts on most anything in the store. As part of her way of also giving back to the community, Deb puts up big stamp boards for the many charities in our area. Zeal for Teal has been no exception. Deb has supported Zeal for Teal ever since she came to the community by providing us with beverages for the day or baking or some other grocery item to help lessen the costs for our function. When Deb invited Zeal for Teal to post a board so that shoppers can have the option to post stamps, we were very grateful.

Not only do we have Deb to thank for allowing us to do this and for blessing us with this much, we have so many anonymous local shoppers to thank; those who didn't put the coupons on their own little cards for their own discount. Thank you so much for sharing and caring enough about our cause that you are willing to donate your stamps to us. We don't know who you are, but you do. We are very grateful for your generosity.

Friday, March 6, 2015
SAY IT ISN'T SO! (Well it's only a little true)

As you know, for the past seven years, Zeal for Teal has been an incredible day of scrapbooking & crafting. We are blown away each year by the camaraderie, the passion and the support we feel every April - and that leading up to it.
Our very first Zeal for Teal was in 2009 - 6 months post chemotherapy for me. We started out in the fellowship hall of Drayton Reformed Church with a whopping 48 people on board. We were full to the brim so the following year we moved to the Drayton Arena, doubled our participants and have been there ever since and have loved every minute of it (okay, maybe that is a stretch - the every minute part.) But we have all been stirred and encouraged by so much and so many of you; the old faithfuls who come back each year, and the newbies whose enthusiasm is immeasurable and contagious.
Preparing for the scrapbooking and crafting event is exhausting work, and we actually begin planning for the following year right after the previous one is finished. Amanda and I usually start planning seriously in November and then the rest of the committee comes on board in January.
Don't be mistaken, we are not afraid of hard work and especially because we know the fruits of our hard work can benefit women in so many ways. But sometimes the time is ripe for change. We all know about the seasons of life. So, if please be duly informed that one season is over and it is time for Zeal for Teal Scrapbooking and Crafting Day, as you know, it to cease.
Zeal for Teal 2015 will be the final event of its kind.
That said, check out the Statement of Purpose:
Notice it doesn't say anything about the type of event, so the good news is ZEAL FOR TEAL will continue. But it will look different in the future. Amanda and I will be undertaking some other form of fundraising - something that will be less taxing on our families, our work and our selves. Something that we can do on a lesser scale. The individual members of the committee have seen a lot of changes personally and professionally; Amanda and I included, so it's not the we need people to help fill the gap. That would be an easier task. It is just time for the committee to move on for now.
We know that we will disappoint some of you, but we also know that you go through times in your life where you have to admit that it is time. Our prayer is that you understand.
Amanda coined the phrase ZEAL FOR TEAL when we first had this hare-brained idea to raise money. Turned out it wasn't hare-brained at all. In fact it was quite brilliant. I mean over the years we have raised over $30,000. We are very proud of all of you all for helping us to achieve that. We are very grateful to all of you. As an ovarian cancer survivor, I can easily say you have helped me in so many ways to have hope, to think positively and to keep the faith. Amanda and I will continue to participate still at the annual Barrie Walk of Hope and we are excited about finding ways to keep ZEAL FOR TEAL alive and beneficial to Ovarian Cancer Canada. Ovarian Cancer Canada is an incredible organization who advocates on behalf of those dealing with the wretched disease. We are proud to be affiliated and supported by them year after year.
I don't even know where to begin to talk about our incredible committee - in fact I will probably wait until May 1st to do so officially, but all is I can say is we owe so much gratitude and love to each of our committee members -
DARLENE HAUSER has been with us from the beginning and every time I think of our relationship I cry (in a joyful way). She was ALWAYS ALWAYS there for me (us) and her generosity, which presented itself in many forms, stirred my heart and kept me smiling and going.
AMBER TUCK is one of the busiest persons I know but her logical brain and overflowing heart has been an essential part of our day. With Amber we could always guarantee that the job would get done! What a difference the day was when she came on board.

SUE BAUMAN - Sue in her brilliantly British manner is topnotch at getting the job done. She has a wonderfully creative eye, too, and as she works with Rosemary on all things magical and hands on and the proof is always in the pudding. She knows how to get her hands 'dirty'. Sue's favourite phrase at Zeal for Teal is usually something like 'what can I do?' She, too, is always at the ready.
AMANDA HAUSER, Darlene's lovely daughter started with us when she was a little titch. She was a great little runner and although she wasn't officially on our committee, she dedicated her time to us every Zeal for Teal. Now she is no longer a little titch. She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman who has stepped up to the plate year after year. She helps us on many levels and does whatever we ask. And now her volunteering has nothing to do with her 40 required hours for school. She completed those in her first year of high school! Now she continues to bless us from her sweet heart. Wonder where she got that giving spirit? Thanks mom!
AMANDA HAUSER, Darlene's lovely daughter started with us when she was a little titch. She was a great little runner and although she wasn't officially on our committee, she dedicated her time to us every Zeal for Teal. Now she is no longer a little titch. She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman who has stepped up to the plate year after year. She helps us on many levels and does whatever we ask. And now her volunteering has nothing to do with her 40 required hours for school. She completed those in her first year of high school! Now she continues to bless us from her sweet heart. Wonder where she got that giving spirit? Thanks mom!
Then last but not least, our kitchen gals
YVONNE TIMMERMAN and ANN KABBES - Let's just say they are our cooks extraordinaire. Where would Zeal for Teal have been without the magnificent - themed meals they have provided for us over the years? Not only can we rely on them to cook it all up, but they shop, they plan, they cook ahead, they put up with all our odd requests and they never say never. Their motivation is purely heart and faith-filled for we know that they really could find better things to do on a Saturday in April than cooking up grub for over 100 people. How grateful we are for their willingness to help us out at Z4T year after year.
Our girls are marching on. We will miss them. But we also know that they will be there if we need them.

We have some exciting announcements and plans for the day that we want to remain a surprise so anticipate good things. No more rumours allowed.
Amanda & Glynis
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Food bank donations
Don't forget about bringing a canned or boxed donation (or a cash donation) to Zeal for Teal to snag an extra door prize ticket for more chances to win!
We donated over 12 re-useable grocery bags of food to the Drayton Food Bank last year so we hope to donate that and many more this year! And you can help!
Thank you for your kindness!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Thanks Kabbes Patch Rabbitry!
Well look-ee hear. Some nice boiled eggs are on the breakfast menu on Saturday, April 25th at the Drayton Arena. Special thanks to Tracy Kabbes for donating the Omega 3 eggs to our DOWN ON THE FARM Zeal for Teal Scrapbooking and Craft Day. What a tasty treat from Tracy's happy chickens.
Get those rolling bags packed ready with all your scrapbooking paraphernalia, crafts, sewing stuff, buttons to sort, or anything else you might want to bring for a great day out with the girls.
Two onsite stores available for your shopping pleasure!

And SO much more. Stay tuned for more details.
Come on out and support us as we raise funds for the Sunflower Seeds Team at the Barrie Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer Canada.
Get those rolling bags packed ready with all your scrapbooking paraphernalia, crafts, sewing stuff, buttons to sort, or anything else you might want to bring for a great day out with the girls.
Two onsite stores available for your shopping pleasure!

And SO much more. Stay tuned for more details.

Monday, February 16, 2015
Exciting Things Happening in the Barn

Even if you are not particularly crafty, bring your button box to sort, or your photographs to organize. Maybe your laptop could use cleaning out. How about those socks that need darning or the repairs that need doing - yes, of course you can bring your sewing machine! Just come on out and spend some quality time laughing & learning with some pretty good prizes throughout the day!
We'll be hanging around in the barn and the country kitchen, sharing a good cup of coffee or two and maybe a juicy bit of news.
We'll have fun pinning the tail on those ornery cows competing with anyone who dares muddy their boots on stage. We'll be digging into the boiled eggs and farmer sausage to everyone's delight. Can't wait to see what our farmers' wives are cooking up for lunch. Mmmm. I can smell those pies already.

And watch out for those Cow Patties!
Heather Clemmer is returning to treat all our farm girls to a well deserved bit of pampering. Come sit back in our comfy chairs and enjoy a free mini manicure.
The ever popular Silent Auction and Penny Table will have prizes to suit and tempt both city or country gal alike. Don't forget to bring along a little extra shopping money. The Country Market will be open for business and will be selling all sorts of great goodies.

This day is for YOU. Bring your daughter, granddaughter, mom, grandmom, aunt, niece, sister, neighbour - the more the merrier. Check out the registration package on the right to register. It's not too late. We still have room in the barn for YOU!
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