"The Sunflower Seeds" presents
The First Annual Pajama Day - Zeal for Teal Crop for Cancer

YOU are invited to a special all day crop to help raise money for Ovarian Cancer Canada. This creative, popular event will be held at the Drayton Reformed Church on May 2nd, 2009 from 9am-5pm.
A delicious lunch, all-day snacks and drinks and a chance to win some amazing door prizes are all included in the entrance fee.
Tickets are $40 with a guaranteed $10 being donated to our team's sponsorship. ALL other proceeds from this exciting day will be donated to Ovarian Cancer Canada. You will also receive a FREE goodie bag upon arrival, filled with samples and freebies from our generous sponsors.
Don't forget to check out our blog at http://thesunflowerseeds.wordpress.com. Frequent updates will keep you informed about sponsors, news and views and details about our first annual Pajama Day - Zeal for Teal Crop for Cancer. Put us in your favorites and come back to visit often.
You are encouraged to wear your pajamas that day. We want you to be comfy and have fun. If you are wearing your PJs or even wearing something teal, you will receive a little goodie from us!
We will have a local esthetician coming in to do mini-manicures for you [at no extra charge!]. We will also have "fit-breaks" throughout the day to keep your energy levels up!
ALL levels of crafters are welcome. We will have a "swap shop" available plus an onsite store just incase you forget that perfect embellishment or a much needed piece of cardstock. There will also be make 'n takes available to do during the day at your own leisure. Come prepared to have a day of fun and fellowship.
We are able to reserve tables for groups so please let us know if you are coming as a group when you register (only four per table to ensure enough scrapping space!)
You don't want to miss this exciting day so get in touch with us ASAP and tell us to save you a seat! It just wouldn't be the same without you.
Mark those calendars now!
"The Sunflower Seeds" team
Amanda, Glynis, Janice, Trenton, Jocelyn & Pierrette
P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation on to your friends. We look forward to seeing you there!