We are thrilled that participants are putting aside the time to spend with us and in the process, helping a great cause. Just to remind you that all proceeds from Zeal for Teal go to the Winner’s Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer Canada.
Saturday, June 26, 2010 promises to be a day packed full of

And now, speaking of creativity, it’s time to introduce you to a woman who you might just want to seek out this Saturday. Pam Vanderwood, who just happens to be a bit of a creative soul, is jumping on board with us representing Creative Memories. Pam is going to be teaching the beginner’s class. She has kindly offered to encourage and share some techniques to beginner scrapbookers and those who might need a bit of a refresher! We are so grateful that Pam is so willing to share her gifts.
Pam has faced some challenges in her life, the latest being recovery from losing her husband.
“My life has taken a change in direction this past month as my husband and father of my five sons went Home to be with the Lord,” Pam tells us.
Undeterred, Pam inhales deeply and is determined to journey on, trusting and believing that life holds great purpose for her family and for herself.
Pam is an Independent Creative Memories Consultant and she enjoys meeting and sharing the Creative Memories philosophy and unique product in client’s homes, at trade shows and at other public venues.
Pam really enjoys the hands-on teaching aspect that Creative Memories affords.
“I enjoy seeing completed pages,” Pam says as she talks about how she encourages workshop participants in the fine art of scrapbooking.
Her enthusiasm abounds as Pam talks about how she looks forward to sharing exciting new products and Creative Memories scrapbooking opportunities with her clients.
Watch out for her Creative Memories June specials – 40% off specified products. Don’t we all love a bargain?
The Creative Memories - Make a Wish Line© is Pam’s favourite and she loves to talk about how her company has partnered with the Make a Wish Foundation in Canada and donates a portion of the sales from this line to this great organization.
“I am excited about coming to Zeal for Teal this year,” Pam says. She is anxious to support us as we help raise awareness about ovarian cancer.
If you haven’t see the new Creative Memories Storybook Creator #3 you might want to ask Pam about it. She is bringing along her laptop so interested participants can have a sneak preview of this great product.

Time is of the essence! Don’t delay, call today. (nice rhyme, huh?) We look forward to sunshine and smiles on the Zeal for Teal beach. Come on down and join us!