The Sunflower Seeds Team and the rest of the Rockin' Good Committee members are working hard to make Zeal for Teal [our scrapbooking & cardmaking fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Canada] a memorable, fun-filled day for everyone. Bring on the 50's!
We are having another planning meeting this weekend so we will update you on the latest news ASAP!
Meanwhile, let me introduce you to our committee members:

Amanda Newton is the brains behind our Zeal for Teal Ovarian Cancer Canada events [oh, and did I mention - she is also my darling daughter.] Ever since my tango with cancer in 2008, Amanda's passion to 'do something to help,' has encouraged and inspired me. When she first came up with the idea, I was tired and exhausted from chemo and fighting the good fight. But she would never let me say 'die.' Instead, she gave me a sense of purpose and at the same time, she helped us both find a way to give back and help out. She found out about the Ovarian Cancer Canada's Winner's Walk of Hope and she signed us up as The Sunflower Seeds team right away. It's been three years now and still we continue to walk and do our part to fundraise and help turn up the volume on this silent killer. And this will be our third annual Zeal for Teal fundraiser thanks to Amanda (who has blessed me more than she will ever know!)

2. Darlene Hauser is like a faithful puppy. This wonderful friend and angel in disguise has been an encourager and helper beyond imagination. When she found out I had cancer, Darlene was one of the first on the scene to plan and assure me that she was there for me - no restrictions. Full course meals following every course of chemotherapy [and in between] were in order and hardly a week would go by without a call, a card, or an uplifting telephone call. Ms. Dar has changed my life for the better. She has taught me how to 'pay it forward' and how to give unconditionally. On the committee, Darlene is ready, willing and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and we count it all joy that she has been with Zeal for Teal from the beginning. We couldn't do it without her.
Amber Tuck is our bubbling well of enthusiasm. Her tender heart spills over with compassion and it has been more than a pleasure getting to know her and see her on fire for a purpose. Amber has single-handedly organized the three banks in our area to support Teal Fridays. The girls at each bank give a little donation every week to wear teal each Friday up until April 30th - the 3rd annual Zeal for Teal day. When we have our planning meetings, Amber is armed and ready with a list of ideas and suggestions to make the day a memorable one for our participants. Yet, at the same time, Amber has tact and patience. Her managerial skills are obvious, but so are her people skills as she is respectful and doesn't try to force her ideas on anyone. We are honoured to have such a gifted soul in our midst. I can't wait to hear what she has on her list when we meet again in a few days!
Rosemary Latham is new to the Drayton area but not new to my heart. I remember going to the theatre with Rosemary in March 2008. We had taken Dad out for a treat. We had slipped away to the washroom during intermission and it was then I told her about this funny lump in my abdomen. She assumed her big sister role and ordered me to get to the Dr's ASAP and get it checked out. It was good to know she was still taking care of me. And now she lives here and I am thrilled. If you come to Zeal for Teal this year, you will spot some beautiful, hand-knitted teal scarves in the silent auction and maybe one or two will be door prizes. Rosemary is the talented creator! She is the one with the knitting gene! Rosemary promises to be the runner this year on our special day and has already committed to being bossed around! It'll be fun bossing my big sis' around!
Amanda Hauser, because she is younger than the other committee members, she might become awfully bored at a planning meeting. For that reason, we save her for the big day. Amanda is our handy do-er of all things we ask her to do! I found a little card from Amanda the other day. She was 10 when I first started with my treatments. The card had some lovely 10 year old artwork on it and the writing said I was the best and that all the cancer would go away soon. Thanks, sweet Amanda, for your prophecy. We are hoping and praying. You, too, are the best! And speaking of the best, Amanda will be the one jogging back and forth and keeping up with all our demands and every other request in between.
6. Glynis Belec - yours truly. Not much to say, other than I may be considered the mouthpiece for the Zeal for Teal day on April 30th! I am so blessed and feel so loved. I am thankful that my ovarian cancer was found in the early stage and I want to do my part to help other women to become aware - just in case!
Thanks for supporting us and for [hopefully] joining us,
50s style, at Zeal for Teal 2011.