...Community support for Zeal for Teal has been astounding, including Teal Fridays at the Moorefield, Drayton and Arthur Royal Bank branches. Bank employees graciously participate by wearing teal t-shirts each Friday and donating $2 to the Sunflower Seeds for their Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope. Last year they raised over $200 for the cause, thanks to the initiative of Royal Bank Manager, Amber Tuck.
Louis Latham of Drayton has donated the $100 grand prize once again this year. This is the fourth year that Latham has given this substantial and much appreciated prize to one excited participant. The lucky 2011 winner of the Zeal for Teal grand prize was Lorna Weber of Elmira.
The Zeal for Teal Committee includes Amber Tuck, Darlene Hauser, Amanda Hauser, Sue Bauman, Rosemary Latham (set designer and creative advisor), Newton & Belec. They are once again excited to welcome Vickie Downie back as a guest at their new Wild West Shady Lady Hotel where she will be sharing her talents by offering free mini-manicures to participants.
As seems fitting in the Wild West, there will be a wonderfully stocked General Store complete with everything from soup to jewelry and everything else in between for sale. A penny table and silent auction promises to be a wonderful experience for participants, too. And if that isn’t enough to ruffle a cowgirl’s frills, there will be lots of opportunity to pan for gold, create a memory in the Barn Door photo booth or toss a horseshoe or two, all for the cause.

...finish reading the story in next week's Community News.