Howdy Cowgirls, Cardmakers, Scrapbookers and Crafters. Don't forgit' about the early bird special fer this year's [April 28th] Zeal for Teal.
It'll cost ya'll $35 if yer' interested in partaking of this bargoon! Count 'em...35 golden nuggets if you register on or before the stroke of midnight, January 31st, 2012! That's a whoppin' $10 savings. Don't delay - registrations are coming in fast and furious. Yee haa!
But don't worry; even if'n ya'll do forgit' or if'n ya'll are one of those local yokels who likes to put things off until the last minute - despair not. The regular cost for an entire day of hootenany fun is $45. Guaranteed ya'll get yer money's worth! It's a day to relax, laugh and to make a difference. All monies after expenses will be goin' to those adven'trous type Sunflower Seed Gals for the annual Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope that is being held September 9th, 2012.

New this year...the Zeal for Teal invitation is extended to not only our wonderful, faithful, creative scrapbookers and cardmakers, but also to crafters of any flavour! We attended a wonderful crop in Listowel a little while ago put on by
Renee Dykstra Beswitherick. (All her amazing efforts helped raise funds for for the Diabetic Association!) Most who attended that day were avid scrapbookers but we did notice some gals who were sewing patchwork quilts while others were doing some other craft work. We thought that a lovely idea. So we thought we would tell anyone interested to bring along their knitting needles, crocheting hooks, sewing machine, and so on to ZEAL for TEAL. So go ahead and spread the word.
We are thrilled to let everyone know that we will have our happy vendors back on board again - with a few extra surprises.
There is another planning meeting this weekend for the Zeal for Teal committee so there will be more exciting news to follow. We just wanted to remind you about the Early Bird Special.
For a registration package please contact either Glynis or Amanda at
(or check out our Facebook event at