Monday, March 23, 2009
Another one for our list!
Rhea from Savvy N Sassy will be sending us a couple door prizes and stuff for the goody bags! THANK YOU RHEA! We're so excited you're on board with us!
A little more than a month to go ladies!! It's going to be a wonderful day!
Friday, March 20, 2009
More Sponsors!
Here's the updated list:
First Choice Trophies and Scrapbooking - not only are they going to be a sponsors, Tracey is bringing her store to us!! First Choice is the onsite store for the day! Yay! Thanks again Tracey!
Art Freckles
Scrap Fanatics
Scrappy Jessi
Lou Latham, a very generous supporter who's donation will be purchasing the GRAND PRIZE.....yes, there's gonna be a grand prize! You won't wanna miss this fun day!
Glynis Belec
In A Scrap Creations
Christine Ewing, Close to My Heart rep - she will also have a table up with make n takes and various products for sale, etc.
Margaret De Witt, Stampin' Up Rep - she too will have a table set up with make n takes, etc.
My Stamp Box
Amanda Peckham, Creative Memories
Eily Martin, Mary Kay
My Shabby Heart
Darlene Hauser - she has contributed a door prize
Let's Scrap Divas
Club 177 - Janet will be doing mini manicures on site that day! So come prepared to be pampered!
Linda Farrell, another generous supporter
Jennifer Metzger, reflexologist
Lisa Stemmler, masseuse
Scrap That!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I know Zeal for Teal is focused on a wonderful day of scrapbooking and cardmaking, and the events we have planned are intended to put a smile on participant’s faces. That is our goal and we are bound and determined to make this a day to remember.
But as I consider our purpose for doing this and Amanda my rocking-good daughter’s motivation for turning an idea into a reality, I think back to April 24th, 2008. I remember saying to Gilles, my hubby – “No, of course you don’t need to come with me (to the doctor’s.) I’m just menopausal and my uterus is probably a little out of whack. As I sat in the doctor’s office and she walked in uttering those words…The news isn’t good…” I remember the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. And when she continued with…Ovarian cancer…’ I remember nothing. My world came crashing down and within moments I was mentally planning my own funeral.
We got through that day. The hardest part was when we had to stand before our children and tell them. But we found strength in each other and God’s grace and mercy took over. We rallied. We cried. We prayed and we cried some more. But then we got on with life, with chemo and I put on my ‘big girl panties’ as Amanda and Janice like to say, and we did it. The road was not easy, but here we are almost 11 months later and I guess I am now considered a survivor. No one knows what is around that corner, but my faith and my family have helped me take stock of what is truly important and if I can help someone else or encourage more women to become more aware of their bodies, then I will do it.
The intention of this day is not for people to attend out of pity or any other such motivation. We want to help do our part to raise awareness about Ovarian Cancer and to make sure women know what ovarian cancer is and what they can do about it in a fun-filled, exciting way. There will be no hard lectures or great speeches on May 2nd about cancer, but there will be information available and people to talk to if you are interested. We are getting together to celebrate and have fun while doing something positive for the cause!
Will you join us?

Friday, February 27, 2009
Update Coming
I will update tonight with more details about the day! We've got some exciting news!
xo Amanda
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Excitement Builds
Throughout my journey, our clan has always been there, urging me on to battle this ovarian cancer that is so appropriately dubbed the 'silent killer.'
Last year Amanda and Janice along with Amanda's mother-in-law (Pierrette) and I formed The Sunflower Seeds. Our motivation for the name was our desire to plant seeds and help raise awareness about ovarian cancer. We entered our Sunflower Seeds team in the Walk of Hope Mini Walk in Barrie last September and we raised over $6000 for the cause. We were thrilled. People were so generous when we sought sponsorship.
The team lives on. This year we will walk again in September, but to give us a head start, the girls are once again getting me cracking (no sitting around feeling sorry for yourself allowed!) and I am now diving head first into this exciting day in May and am helping any way I can. If you can, come on out and join us on May 2nd for a great scrapbooking/cardmaking day. Mark your calendar now and do get in touch soon if you want us to reserve you a spot. It doesn't matter if you are an expert or not. We've got you covered. Come on out and have some fun. You don't even have to get dressed up - pyjamas are the fashion of the day! I was talking to our eager esthetician today. She is so excited about coming and has even ordered some lovely teal nail polish for the occasion! I am thrilled. Keep this blog in your favourites and do check back often for updates and exciting news. Love Glynis aka Mom
We have more!
So a big thanks to our newest sponsors. Your generosity will help make our day a huge success.
["Big Papa" aka: Grandpa!]
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
More sponsors!
Friday, January 30, 2009
More sponsors on board!
We've got a few more sponsors on board for our crop!
Check out First Choice Trophies and Scrapbooking's blog to see their upcoming classes.
Janet Wilson, owner/operator of Club 177 will be there all day giving "mini-manicures" and selling her wonderful purses.
Christine Ewing, a Close to My Heart rep, will be sponsoring us as well.
My scrapping buddy Shannon who owns Art Freckles is sending us some great goodies!
And Bettina from My Stamp Box is sending us some wonderful stamp sets for door prizes!
Can't wait to see all these wonderful donations from our generous sponsors!
Thank-you Contributors! You will make our day even more special!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pajama Day Cropping for Cancer
"The Sunflower Seeds" presents
The First Annual Pajama Day - Zeal for Teal Crop for Cancer
YOU are invited to a special all day crop to help raise money for Ovarian Cancer Canada. This creative, popular event will be held at the Drayton Reformed Church on May 2nd, 2009 from 9am-5pm.
A delicious lunch, all-day snacks and drinks and a chance to win some amazing door prizes are all included in the entrance fee.
Tickets are $40 with a guaranteed $10 being donated to our team's sponsorship. ALL other proceeds from this exciting day will be donated to Ovarian Cancer Canada. You will also receive a FREE goodie bag upon arrival, filled with samples and freebies from our generous sponsors.
Don't forget to check out our blog at Frequent updates will keep you informed about sponsors, news and views and details about our first annual Pajama Day - Zeal for Teal Crop for Cancer. Put us in your favorites and come back to visit often.
You are encouraged to wear your pajamas that day. We want you to be comfy and have fun. If you are wearing your PJs or even wearing something teal, you will receive a little goodie from us!
We will have a local esthetician coming in to do mini-manicures for you [at no extra charge!]. We will also have "fit-breaks" throughout the day to keep your energy levels up!
ALL levels of crafters are welcome. We will have a "swap shop" available plus an onsite store just incase you forget that perfect embellishment or a much needed piece of cardstock. There will also be make 'n takes available to do during the day at your own leisure. Come prepared to have a day of fun and fellowship.
We are able to reserve tables for groups so please let us know if you are coming as a group when you register (only four per table to ensure enough scrapping space!)
You don't want to miss this exciting day so get in touch with us ASAP and tell us to save you a seat! It just wouldn't be the same without you.
Mark those calendars now!
"The Sunflower Seeds" team
Amanda, Glynis, Janice, Trenton, Jocelyn & Pierrette
P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation on to your friends. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Crop Sponsors
We're getting our crop details nailed down and finalized.
We hope to have it out by the beginning of next week.
Please join us for a day of scrapbooking, cardmaking, food and fun!
And don't forget to tell your friends! We want to see you all there!
We have two sponsors lined up already - In A Scrap Creations and Glynis M. Belec
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Coming Crop
Please watch the blog for more details on an upcoming crop to raise money for our walk in September.
Come for a day of scrapbooking and cardmaking!
More details to follow soon!